okroginator Sep 09, 2010 02:20
real life, brooklyn rage, what is this i don't even, tag made specifically for fail, great anger, christian and catholic =/= asshole, fail, angry post, what what what what what no, censorship is fail, incredible amounts of fail, books are not for burning, superfail, politicky things
okroginator Feb 06, 2010 12:55
movies, bitching, great anger, genderfail, feeling like shit, mama random ain't happy, what what what what what no, shut the frack up, superfail, graaaaah feminist rage, is it this hard to be happy, let's start a riot, god i am such an asshole, fail, random smash, angry post, argleblargh, stab you universe, guiltmonster attacks tokyo, nnnngh
okroginator Nov 23, 2009 20:20
what what what what what no